Sergio FreschiDAL 6 SETTEMBRE PUOI PRENOTARE UNA VISITA PER LA TUA PROTESI CONFORMISInizierò la mia pausa estiva in 2 di Agosto per poi riprende la mia attività il 6 di Settembre. Per eventuali prenotazioni visita il mio...
Sergio FreschiComparison between prostheses: Classic VS ConformisI am an orthopedic surgeon with over 25 years of experience on knee implants. I have followed the evolution of knee prostheses and the...
Sergio FreschiROTATOR CUFF - PAINFUL SHOULDERRotator cuff: all therere is to know, anatomy, symptoms and treatments.
Sergio FreschiHIP REPLACEMENT - WHAT THERE IS TO KNOWAll there is to know if you have to undergo hip replacement surgery.
Sergio FreschiCARPAL TUNNELIf you suffer from carpal tunnel, you may find these extensive information of interest.
Sergio FreschiSHOULDER PATHOLOGYShoulder pain can be difficult to treat. Let us see the treatment options available.
Sergio FreschiKNEE PATHOLOGYKnee pathology: get to know your knee and eventual issues you may have with it.
Sergio FreschiHIP PATHOLOGYHip pathology: get to know your hip and possible disorders that may you may encounter.
Sergio is now also in English!My new website is now also in English. Keep up to date with the latest ConFormis knee implants carried out in Italy.